Petrov P.*, Daskalov Hr.**, Dinkova A.**
*Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
**Department of Oral Surgery
Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Plovdiv
Wound sections resulting from high-energy laser treatment of premalignant oral lesions have a specific healing process.
Aim of this study was to follow up the dynamics of wound healing in patients with oral leukoplakia submitted to Er-YAG laser treatment.
Materials and methods: Observed in this study were 36 wounds resulting from surgical treatment of patients that were histologically proven with oral leukoplakia, without presence of cell displasia. Laser ablation technique was applied using vapolarization. The rate of wound healing was taken each 3rd, 7th and 14th postoperative day. Indications were followed up for pain, infection, sensory disturbance symptoms and appearance of healing in the treated area.
Results: The wound healing run smoothly. There was no presence of pain and sensory disturbance. Feeding and comfort of the patients were recovered immediately after the procedure.
Cunclusion: Wounds resulting from Er-YAG laser treatment of oral leukoplakia are healing without pain and without complications. This method gives excellent comfort to patients combined with good quality healing outcomes.
Keywords: oral leukoplakia, Er-YAG laser, ablation