New Aspects of Laser Assistance in Prosthetic Dental Medicine
Introduction The relationship between laser radiation and the human body is cascaded as a result of oscillatory processes that are triggered by the method of Turbulent Laser Medicine (TLM). The question of the effectiveness of TLM in cases of chronic functional disorders of the chewing apparatus is still debatable.
Goal The aim of this work was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of TLM in prosthetic dentistry in order to demonstrate both the necessity and the benefits of it and to give patients the chance to get a clear idea of their own health, convince the success of the treatment .The main task of the presentation is to review the clinical cases solved with different types of occlusal therapy combined with TLM. Because of these practical needs, we have focused our research on studying the bioenergetic effect of TLM with the new Acugraph diagnostic apparatus,USA. Acugraph is currently being used by clinicians worldwide for two purposes – performing a modernized diagnostic process and assessing the therapeutic efficacy of the applied healing method.
.Material and methods We applied the method of building models of clinical situations and then classified them into categories. Apparatus used – Laser Complex for TLM, Complex Diagnostic and Therapeutic System AcuGraph 3, USA. Methodology – The subject of the clinical study was 600 people with chronic occlusal trauma. According to the new evidence-based TLM paradigm, patients were selected according to a defined category of compensatory model. Under the terms of our clinical-practice study, the category was a patient population united as a specific model and grouped patients.
Results and conclusion Laser-assisting treatment by TLM disorders has a high degree of therapeutic efficacy and can be applied widely in daily dental practice. The results will be presented in the following order: TLM in systematic effect on peripheral NS, Trigeminal Neuralgia, TLM in Occlusal Trauma,TLM in Malocclusions,TLM in Myofascial disorders,TLM in Occlusal Adjustment, TLM in Full Mouth Restoration and Prosthetic Rehabilitation,TLM in Osteolysis and progressive bone loss, TLM in Teeth MobilityTLM in orofacial pain, neck pain, low back pain, TMJ Disorders, Myofascial Dysfunctional Pain Syndrome, Costen Syndrome,TLM in Occlusal and Facial support in splint Therapy or Maxillofacial Prosthodontics.